Shattered Galaxy Wiki

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Contents.Objectives. Defend the Mistlock Observatory!. Fractal Difficulty Scale: x. Personal Fractal Level: x. Skorvald the Shattered. Temporal Flux Active: x/4. Defeat Viirastra.

The Shattered Galaxy remake. It is redone but with the same Shattered Galaxy feel. The only thing missing are more Western or European players! The game is in Chinese but worry not there is an option to change the language to English.I am only two days in and the latency is in good standing. 실제로 서버의 운영 방법도 이름에 따라 갈리는 경향이 있어서, 일본, 타이완 서버는 대한민국 서버와 매우 비슷한 체제로 운영된 것과 달리, 미국판인《Shattered Galaxy(셰터드 갤럭시)》는 기초적인 수치부터 전략까지 완전히 다르게 구성되어 있다.

Defeat Arkk and deactivate the DDR. Arkk. Defeat the summoned cultists: x/1. Defeat the constructs of chaos: x/1Walkthrough Starting from the entrance, jump carefully down the rocks until you reach the large circular platform. Shortly after, the first boss of the fractal will spawn.

This key section of the article is incomplete. You can help the Guild Wars 2 Wiki by.Reason: May be missing skillsSkorvald will perform AoE attacks that cover 25%, 50%, and 75% of the arena, in cone shapes originating from the center. Stay close to him to make it easier to move into a safe area. Below 50% he will occasionally spawn; these explode after a while, so keep them near the edge of the arena by hitting them to knock them back. At higher scales below 66% he will occasionally teleport to one side of the platform and a big eye icon will appear above his head with a blue line connecting it to your character if you face towards him.

Turn your back to him, or the eye will damage and you, putting you at risk of running off the edge.At 66% and 33%, he will turn invulnerable, and you will have to take the ley-energy wind that will spawn at the eastern side of the platform. After being propelled to the nearby island, you will have to defeat a.

It, so be careful not to stand too close to the edge. After killing it, take another ley-energy wind in an anti-clockwise direction to the other islands.

Move quickly, as Skorvald will throw firey AoE onto the island once its Anomaly has been defeated. At higher scales he will also channel an orange circle that will slowly radiate out from the center of his platform. If it reaches the edge before all Anomalies are dead, he will wipe the party. That attack can be mitigated with, but it's rarely necessary as there is plenty of time, even at scale 100. After defeating all the Anomalies, return to the boss platform.Galaxy islands Once you've defeated Skorvald, take the portal that spawns.

After a short cutscene, you will be teleported onto a large platform situated inside a galaxy. You will be effected with from now on, and have access to as a.

There are three locked portals on this platform: north, east, and south. Will unlock the south portal. Going through the north portal will lead you to a series of small islands, eventually leading to, a cat part of the.Go through; you will find yourself on a series of small island rocks. Jump to each one using the ley-energy winds or, and destroy the various golems you find there. After reaching the largest platform, a large blue will spawn. The goal here is to 'bounce' the marble on a player's head by standing under it as it lands.

White circles will spawn ahead of each bounce to let you know where to stand. Once it is destroyed, take another ley-energy wind to the nearby island. Destroy the golems there. After reaching the final platform with Nova Launch, you will come across and her many.

Bounce one of the silver globolla marbles to initiate a short dialogue and start the battle.She will start the fight with her three jump agony shockwave, and then move into a corner and begin casting a large amount of AoE marks. She will also summon Elite clones; deal with them and their descendant clones first.Mechanics for phase 1 onwards.

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Dome and - A red skull symbol causes players to explode if ignored; the chosen player should move inside the dome in the center of the arena to prevent damage to your allies. Agony shockwave - Viirastra jumps around three times and then slams the ground, causing a shockwave which applies and knockback. It can be jumped over, blocked or dodged. AoE marks - She covers the floor in expanding AoE circles throughout the fight.

Clones - Smaller versions of herself; these Elite clones, when killed, will split into 3 Veteran clones, and those into Regular clones. These clones will attack and channel lightning between each other and players.After a period of time she will move to another corner and repeat her attacks.On reaching 66% health she will split into 4 clones (1 per corner). They take insignificant damage from attacks.

Breaking the on each clone will destroy them, continuing the fight. During this split phase and the one following, players will be under the effect. If all clones are destroyed, any downed or dead players will be revived.Mechanics for phase 2 onwards. Globolla marbles - Bouncing these silver marbles refreshes, and prevents the appearance of red marbles. Red marbles - Inflicts conditions when they come into contact with a player. Only appear when a globolla marble is dropped.

Upon returning, she will quickly channel a large AoE covering most of the platform and a shockwave. Her defiance bar will now lock. She then moves back to a corner and throws a globolla marble, which again is marked on the ground with silver circles moving in a circular fashion around her corner. Bounce it as before until it reaches Viirastra, where it will unlock her defiance bar once more.

Dropping the marble causes damage to the party and spawns red marbles which complicate the fight and inflict many conditions. If it is dropped, she will also immediately summon a new one. Assign one or two players to bounce the marble.At 33% health, she will split into 5 clones. 1 per corner, and 1 in the center. The central clone will throw orange orbs at various corners and add additional AoE circles, but can otherwise be ignored. Continue as you did at 66% health. Clone spawns increase in frequency as the fight continues.Once she is defeated, your Nova Launch will be upgraded to and you can enter the spawned portal to return to the three-portal platform.

Yokko will unlock the big, western portal; enter it to reach the final boss. Use your to reach the boss platform which has an electrified perimeter and a reactor in each corner. To start the fight, you have to destroy the four reactors using the explosions of the that spawn on each side of the platform near the edges. To get them into the corners, either push them using your basic attacks or don't attack at all and have the fixated person stand next to a reactor.

Once all the reactors are destroyed, fires a giant laser through the middle of the platform that deals high damage and grants the achievement Blinded with Science. Will then teleport to the platform and the actual fight begins. If you wipe during the fight, this part does not get repeated and the fight will start immediately.Most of 's attacks have long wind-ups and obvious telegraphs, you can just walk out of most orange AoE indicators. The mechanic carries over from the fight with Viirastra: The player with the red skull still has to stand in the black dome when it explodes.

Don't hesitate to use to get there or to use it in place to avoid attacks that cover the entire dome; its cooldown will be reset if you explode inside the dome. Occasionally the big eye from the fight with appears above, turn your back to him or you'll get feared and damaged. This is especially important if you're targeted for since getting feared out of the bubble will result in a huge amount of damage to your whole party.

If you get hit by the fear you can use as. When a red marble appears above Arkk's head, shortly after it disappears again he'll shoot a ball at every player that bounces outward and leaves AoE fields behind which deal high amount of damage. These balls can be reflected or negated by projectile destruction. Alternatively you can just walk a few steps back when the marble appears and dodge/jump/use back inwards as soon as it disappears.At 80%, 50% and 30% of his health, will become invulnerable, charge a big attack and summon a on each side of the platform. They fixate on the player closest to their spawn location and need to be pushed into the reactors just like at the start of the fight.

When Arkk's big attack is charged, all remaining solar blooms will explode. If any reactors are still active after that, Arkk will deal a huge amount of damage to the whole party. The attack can still be dodged or negated through. Arkk will then restart his attack and summon a new set of solar blooms.

Once all the reactors are destroyed, Arkk's will unlock and must be broken in time to avoid another big attack. Remember that includes a launch that can help with that.At 70% Arkk will teleport away and summon an elite version of the and four from the. Try to kill the Fanatics first so you don't have to deal with them when Arkk returns to the platform after the Elite Archdiviner has been slain.Below 70% Arkk gains a new attack: A ring that expands outward and floats anyone that gets caught in it. It can be jumped over to avoid it.At 40% Ark will disappear again and summon an elite version of the as well as the four kitty golems from the.

Deal with the golems first and jump over for the shockwave the Elite Brazen Gladiator occasionally sends out. Make sure to interrupt his big pull attack below 50% health by breaking his. Remember your, it can be used as CC or to get to safety if the CC fails.Below 40% some of the platforms start to disappear. If you fall down, you'll get teleported high above the platform and have one more chance to get back on the platform with your. If you miss the platform while falling down, you'll be killed instantly.Additionally Arkk will now start to roll red marbles over the platform. A small arrow will indicate their path, so they're rather easy to avoid.Now you'll just need to keep calm, do the last reactor phase at 30% and remember that can get you out of any sticky situation.

It can even be used while downed for a short window of invulnerability!Once Arkk is defeated, the fractal is complete. If you want, you can leap over to the DDR platform with your or use the ley-wind to reach the portal back to explore the rest of the Fractal.Achievements. This key section of the article is incomplete.

You can help the Guild Wars 2 Wiki by.Players attempting this Challenge Mote should be comfortable using their key and using skills. They should also be able to turn-around (or 'about-face') quickly. While not required, it is recommended that groups bring at least one player that has consistent for the Instability, and one player that has a focus on healing. Note that in order to start challenge mode all normal mode achievements for must be completed by the person activating it.Skorvald. This key section of the article is incomplete.

You can help the Guild Wars 2 Wiki by.Reason: Missing attack names. Verify if attacks are missing in each phase.Skorvald's attacks in Challenge Mode are similar to his attacks in normal mode, though they may cover a larger area, do more damage, and occur more quickly.Initial attacksFor the first 66% of the fight, he will alternate between several attacks. He will create a circle of triangle AoEs, in a line-pattern. Rotating clockwise after each one spawns and dissipates is one way to avoid recieving damage. While this attack is in effect, he will frequently cover 75% of the platform in another AoE circle. It can be hard to see if your post-processing settings are turned on, as the AoE markers of these two attacks overlap.

A floating Eye will occasionally appear above his head or to the side of the platform. Looking at the eye will damage you and cause fear. The eye will also fire a laser, which will be marked by a set of horizontal AoEs.On reaching 66% healthEvery 33%, Skorvald will become invulnerable and begin channeling a massive attack. Players will be prompted to jump to one of the nearby islands and kill a Veteran Flux Anomaly. These Anomalies have 2 main attacks to worry about. They have a nasty knockback/crowd control combo that can isolate and knock a player off the small island.

They may also 'jump' into the air, evading attacks and slamming back to the ground. This slam sends out a shockwave that knocks players down and deals massive damage. It's best to dodge into this attack.

Once an anomaly has been slain, Skorvald will throw a fire-bomb onto the platform, forcing you to move on without a break. Taking too long to kill an anomaly will cause an AoE circle to appear under each player, burning them and forcing them to dodge or take massive damage. Once all Anomalies have been slain, players can return to a stunned and dazed Skorvald.After the first split phaseAll attacks continue as before, but now players will also have to worry about Solar Bloom orbs. These orbs will fixate on a particular player, drawing a line to them.

If they stay near their target for long enough, they explode, dealing massive AoE damage. Use ranged attacks to push it to one side of the platform, away from allies. It will eventually explode on its own.On reaching 33%He will become invulnerable and force players to go to surrounding islands. This phase is the same as at 66%After returningSkorvald will become enraged shortly after players return to the main platform.

He will spin around at the center of the platform, unleashing massively damaging purple lines in the direction that he is facing. He will have a locked defiance bar during this attack and it is advised for the group to stack together and share to avoid the knockback that comes with Skorvald's attack. Do not stand inside his hitbox during this attack as it will instantly down players. After finishing his first spin attack, Skorvald will summon a set of clones that will dash through the center of the arena, one by one. They will fixate on one player with a purple marker above their head. Their attacks can be dodged or blocked.

Skorvald will also begin dashing around the room as well, occasionally returning to the center for his first spin attack. During the entire last phase, Solar Blooms will keep spawning; Eyes and their lasers will continue to pop up.Note. Skorvalds Explosion at 66% and 33% can be dodged. This key section of the article is incomplete. You can help the Guild Wars 2 Wiki by.Reason: Need actual ability namesArtsariiv is quite similar to her normal-mode counterpart, though her bomb-shelter is less accessible, and she covers the floor in AoE markers. It is vital that players understand how to use their skill, as the, stun-break, and evade it provides are invaluable in staying alive.Throughout the fightMain Attacks:.

Staff Leap Combo - Artsariiv moves across the room in a 3-hit chain, unleashing a shockwave at the end. This shockwave may be blocked, evaded, or jumped over.

Corporeal Reassignment - Artsariiv places a bomb inside a player. That player must get to a nearby bomb-shelter as quickly as possible to avoid damaging allies. Eye Laser - Artsariiv occasionally unleashes a massive laser attack in 3 directions. Players looking towards the Eye marker will be feared and take additional damage. Various AoE attacks - Artsariiv and her clones will cover the platform in Aoe circles, often in patterns. Throws red marbles - Artsariiv will throw red marbles, which cause damage and knockdown upon hitting.

Red orbs - Artsariiv throws clumps or lines of red agony orbs, similar to those found in the bullet-hell sections of the.After beginning the fight, she will leap her way to a corner of her platform. Purple particle effects appear below her, keeping players from standing right under her.

Along with her 2 initial Clones, an Anomaly will spawn. Killing this anomaly will spawn the Bomb Shelter in the middle of the arena. If this anomaly isn't slain quickly, the player affected by (Red Skull/Bomb) will explode, massively damaging allies. The bomb shelter will last until after she phases, in which case, another Anomaly must be quickly slain.

While you can't stand under her, melee players may stand just outside the range of the purple dust. Keep in mind that is in effect while positioning. With the amount of AoEs that she puts out, it is actually easier to mitigate damage by staying closer to her, rather than farther. This also doubles as making group healing and boon sharing easier.

AoE skills should be brought to handle the Clones and their spawns. CC her as often as possible to halt her attacks and deal increased damage. She will attack using all of her main attacks, listed above.On reaching 66%Upon reaching 66% health, she will disappear and summon 5 clones. 4 in the corners, and 1 in the center. Break the CC bar of each clone as you would in normal mode. Be wary of the additional AoE circles along the ground.

Players will have the effect, resurrecting them as long as the phase is completed.Post-PhaseAs soon as the phase ends, she will cast a large AoE circle covering most of the platform. Time your dodge to coincide with the indicator, move to a corner of the platform, or use your to evade it. A shockwave will follow the attack. After the shockwave, she will spawn another Anomaly, begin casting an interesting pattern of circle AoEs, unleash an Eye Laser, and mark a player with a bomb.

Kill the Anomaly as quickly as possible and continue almost as before. (Try not to panic, there's plenty of time, as long as you focus the Anomaly) As in her standard mode, Artsariiv will drop a blue marble. One Player must 'catch' the marble by standing under it as it bounces. The bounce directions aren't as linear as in normal mode, so be careful and plan ahead. One player should be named as a back-up catcher in case the primary gets a bomb.On reaching 33%She will disappear and summon 9 clones.

3 along each side, and 1 in the middle. Players will have the effect, resurrecting them as long as the phase is completed. CC them as quickly as possible to halt their AoE attacks. A Clone may drop a Blue Marble, so be prepared to catch it.Post-PhaseShe will cast the same set of skills as she did after the 66% phase. Again, pay extra attention to the dropped marble, as its path will vary. Continue on as before.Arkk.

This key section of the article is incomplete. You can help the Guild Wars 2 Wiki by.Reason: Missing ability names to go along with the descriptions. Possibly missing important attacks.Arkk utilizes the same skills as in his normal mode, with increased damage, area covered, speed, or another, extra mechanic. He copies challenge mote versions from Skorvald and Artsariiv. Bringing skills (cc) is required. It should be noted that your special action key has been upgraded into, which features an evade,.

Using this skill often is important in staying alive. A brief summary of his skills:Re-used mechanics/skills. Blinding Radiance: First move when you engage Arkk in combat, an Eye will appear above his head, look away or else you'll get damaged and feared. Used throughout the fight. Blinding Radiance Laser: A large rectangular AoE signals that a laser attack is imminent. Staring at the 'source' of the laser (an eye marker) will cause your character to take damage and be feared.

Similar to Artsariiv's. Red Skull/Corporeal Reassignment: A red skull will appear above a player's head, as before. But as in fight, a must be killed to spawn the shelter.

Triangle AoEs: Arkk will summon rings of triangle AoEs, similar to. These are easily avoided by stepping counter clockwise or by stepping between the triangles as they disappear. Solar Fury: Arkk will pause his attacks and a red marble will appear above his head. When it disappears, he will launch it along the ground, where it will bounce, leaving behind pink/purple AoE. It can be blocked or reflected. Triangle Cannon Slam: This attack is similar to Skorvald's. Arkk will single out one player and bring his cannon back behind his head.

He will track the player as they move until the last second before he slams the hammer/cannon down. Shift your character back and forth to check for when he stops tracking you. Stay close to him to give yourself more room to dodge.

Be aware of where your allies are and where the bomb-shelter is and if it's being used. Gravity Well Shockwave: A small orange circle will flash below Arkk. This is a warning that he is about to spawn a set of shockwave circles that pulse first outwards then inwards. You can dodge or jump over the shock waves. If you are hit, your character will take significant damage and for a short duration.New mechanics. Green Circle/: A green circle appears on one player. If two players are not in the circle when it times out, everyone will take massive damage.: Arkk deals 25% more damage and takes 10% less for every active reactor.100%-80%The fight will start quite chaotically, so it's important to be prepared for every mechanic.

A blue Temporal Anomaly will spawn somewhere near the side of the platform. A green circle will select a player, and Arkk will focus a player using his Triangular cannon slam.

Within 5 seconds, a player will be selected for Corporeal Reassignment. Once all this clears, the fight proceeds in more of a rhythm. Arkk will fire off red marbles and alternate between attacks. It should be noted that the bomb shelter is a one-use shelter in this fight, so every time a Blue Anomaly spawns, your team should kill it as quickly as possible, as a bomb isn't far behind.On reaching 80% (Solar Bloom Phase #1)At 80%, Arkk will become invulnerable and begin channeling a massive attack. If the 4 reactors are not disabled in time, it is usually a party wipe. Lure or knock Solar Bloom orbs into reactors to destroy them. If the orb bugs out (stops moving), but is close enough to a pillar that it explodes on it upon the phase ending, it will still count as exploding the reactor.

Arkk will need to be CCed immediately following this phase, or he will deal massive damage to the party. He will take increased damage after this phase from losing his Diaphanous Shielding and from his defiance bar breaking.On reaching 70% (Archdiviner Phase)Arkk will leave the platform, leaving behind a (slightly weakened) and 4. Deal with him as you would normally. Arkk will periodically launch a trio of Blinding Radiance Lasers similar to Artsariiv's.

After returning, the fight continues as before, with a Blue Anomaly spawning and an AoE attack from Arkk. He will also begin using more shockwave attacks, including one that acts as a Gravity Well.On reaching 50% (Solar Bloom Phase #2)He will go invulnerable and begin charging as before. Complete the phase as you did before. Burn as much health as you can after CCing him. Mind the Blue Anomaly.On reaching 40% (Elite Brazen Gladiator)Arkk leaves the platform and summons an elite version of the Boss, the. He also summons 4 miniaturized versions of Blight, Chop, Plink, and Doc.

Be careful when lowering the Elite's health below 50%, as his spinning attack also exists in the elite version. Lasers cannons will continue to fire. Your special action skill also has a knockdown, so it can be used to supplement CC.40%-30%The floor will begin dropping out, marked by red arrows. If you fall and miss the platform while coming down, you will be killed instantly. Your body will spawn underneath Arkk. If you're marked with the bomb as you fall, it's far more likely you'll explode and kill teammates, as it takes quite a while to fall.

All other mechanics will still be running, so be extra careful if you're assigned the bomb, you may not have much space to move. It is incredibly unlikely (if not impossible) for the bomb shelter to have no floor beneath it, but it may be partially missing. Use your special action key to avoid or jump over gaps. Getting stunned, lifted, or knocked down may cause you to fall through the floor.On reaching 30% (Solar Bloom Phase #3)Arkk will cease his attacks for a short while, but the floors may still be damaged from falling out earlier. They should reappear quickly enough.30%-0%Continue as before.

Laser attacks will be more frequent, and the floor pattern will be a bit more irregular.The Solar Fury attack will be used a maximum of 3 times during this phase which means that the special action key can be used freely to stunbreak and reposition after it has been used for the third time.Notes (challenge mote). If you fall off the platform, you can use your special action key to land yourself back onto the platform, you'll take no fall damage and safely get back on the platform. Falling past the platform once will kill you. The farthest player away from Ark will get the cannon fired at them. If you time it correctly, you can reflect/absorb the flak, as it is a projectile.

When Arkk is charging a red marble above his head, it is possible to block it by using your special action key a half second after the image disappears. It may also be reflected, distorted, etc. For the orb/reactor phase, it is far easier to stand near a reactor and let the bloom come to you than it is to knock the bloom into the reactor. The lasers running along the edges don't do too much damage, and the bloom's explosion is easily dodged. Orbs will fixate on the player standing closest to them upon spawning, so it's good to agree upon a general direction for your team to rotate in.Achievements 5Accept the 's challenge and defeat in the Shattered Observatory fractal. Bling-9009 has received reports of your exploits and now carries new items! Title: The ArchdesignerDefeated the Mastermind in the Shattered Observatory55Accept the 's challenge and complete the Shattered Observatory fractal with no one in your group being defeated.

A full party of five must participate in the fractal from start to finish without dying. Title: Leaves No Hero BehindCompleted Shattered Observatory with No Deaths5Achievement eligibility is shown by the effect. It is lost if any member of your party dies.Rewards Upon defeating and they each drop a daily reward chest containing:. 1 random piece of of C Fine or better. 1 F Exotic. 1 F Exotic. 1 F Exotic.

2 randomChallenge Mode.