Archeage Map

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The proficiency system in Archeage is a complex collection of different skills. There is an opportunity for it to become one of the best crafting/industry/life skilling system in any MMO I have ever played.

Yet it lacks importance, such as the industrial system in Eve Online has. You can quite frankly play this game without ever opening up the proficiency tab or even acknowledge it’s existence.Having said that I still find it personally enjoyable to mess with and some proficiencies have the possibility of earning silver which is on par or even greater than farming pouches.

You can get notifications about announcements for ArcheAge Tools and leave feedback. I've also created a Discord bot that will post messages every time there's an event about to start in ArcheAge. Patrons have the perk of being mentioned whenever chosen event types are posted, giving them a direct ping as a notice. Archeage Online boasts a huge map. The map currently consists of 3 continents; Haranya to the east, Nuia to the west and Auroria to the north. There are 2 factions in the game that are at war with.

It can also be a welcome break from constant grinding. But enough about that, let’s look at how the proficiency system works.

The Proficiency SystemThere are 22 different proficiencies in Archeage Unchained. By pressing the “K” button and opening the “Proficiency” tab you can see all these proficiencies. The proficiencies are divided into three groups and you can level each proficiency up by ranks. For example, The Alchemy and Metalworking proficiencies in the image below are at rank 1 which is the novice rank. Proficiency RanksEach proficiency has the same ranking system where you need ever-increasing experience to move up a rank. The ranks and the experience needed to reach that rank are:.

Archeage Map

Novice – 10,000. Veteran – 20,000. Expert – 30,000. Master – 40,000. Authority – 50,000. Champion – 70,000. Adept – 90,000.

Herald – 110,000. Virtuoso – 130,000. Celebrity – 150,000.

Famed – 230,000Each rank comes with benefits regarding XP increase, labor cost and production time. To see those benefits you can click on the “Rank Details” button. Note however that you do not gain these benefits until you have maxed out the respective rank. For example to get a 20% reduction to labor cost you need to be at Authority rank, but you still need 70,000 points in the skill to get the 20% reduction. Another interesting thing about the ranking system is the fact that you cannot max out all the proficiencies. There is a limit to how many proficiencies you can advance beyond amateur rank and also a limit on how many proficiencies you can rank all the way up to Famed.If you look at the Rank Detail window again you will see that next to the rank name is a number in a parathesis.

This number indicates the max number of proficiencies that you can have at this rank. In the bottom left corner is also a counter labeled “Specializations Used”. This is the total number of proficiencies that you can rank up, but don’t worry, you can increase this number.Because of this, it is important to remember that when you reach the proficiency required to advance to the next rank you need to manually accept the rank increase. If you do not do that you no longer advance in that rank, which may be what you want for certain professions as you cannot rank every profession to famed status. Proficiency Types.Proficiencies are also separated into three types. These are harvesting, crafting and special.

You might have noticed the “Proficiency Category Limits” near the bottom of the page. What this means is that you can only have two harvesting, three crafting and 2 special proficiencies at maximum rank, with each requiring 230,000 experience points.Getting 230,000 proficiency points in a single proficiency will take a lot of time. It will take 160 days of natural labor generation if you only use your labor points to that one proficiency. So this is something you won’t need to worry about for a long time, but need to be aware of if you are going to specialize in harvesting or crafting. Increasing the Number of Specialization.For those of you that love harvesting and crafting don’t worry too much about this limit. You can increase it by using a Specialization Snowflake.

This is an item sold by a general merchant and costs 200 gold. It increases the total number of specializations and also the number of proficiencies you can have at a higher ranking.I am not sure that there is a limit on how many snowflakes you can use, but I would expect there to be some. What I do know is that each use increases the snowflake requirement for any following use. For example, the first increase only needs a single snowflake. The second increase will require two snowflakes, and so forth.

Gear and Furniture That Increases Proficiency ScoreThere are several pieces of gear that can increase the proficiency score of certain vocations. You get these items either form completing quests or by crafting them yourself. The benefit of using this gear lies mostly in the fact that you can gain the benefits of a higher proficiency rank and be able to craft items with a lower proficiency than normally required.For example, as we saw before you need 70,000 points in a vocation to get the 20% labor reduction. But if you have, say the +5,000 points cooking furniture and Dazzling Dawnsdrop belt (gives +15,000 to cooking), you get the 20% labor reduction right at 50,000 points as your gear and furniture gives you the extra 20,000 points you need. Dawnsdrop GearThis is gear that you get from completing the final Blue Salt Brotherhood quest. Each piece is a piece of leather armor that increases your proficiency experience in a few proficiencies.List of Dawnsdrop Gear and What Proficiencies are Buffed.

Cap: Artistry, Handicraft, Tailoring. Jerkin: Construction, Exploration, Logging, Weaponry. Belt: Cooking, Husbandry, Printing. Guards: Alchemy, Farming, Leatherworking. Fists: Larceny, Machining, Mining. Breeches: Carpentry, Gathering, Masonry.

Boots: Commerce, Fishing, Metalworking.The basic version increases the proficiency of each of the mentioned vocations by +5,000 points. On top of that this armor is upgradeable using your leatherworking skill to increase this bonus even more. You can upgrade each piece three times, giving +10,000, +15,000 and +20,000 points to their respective vocations.Also, Dawndrop gear will give you a speed bonus when you perform an action while wearing it. For example, if you start mining, each subsequent mining action within 50 seconds will take a little bit shorter to complete. Proficiency Giving Furniture For Your HouseThere are two types of proficiency giving furniture for each of the following vocations.

The lesser gives +5,000 experience to the respective proficiency and the greater version gives +15,000 experience to its proficiency.The problem with furniture is that you need to place the furniture in your house and be in your house or at least near it for the benefit to count. So to be able to get the benefit of, for example, the Culinary Queen’s Secrets (+5,000 cooking) you would also need to cook in your house.The proficiencies which have functional furniture are:. Alchemy. Cooking.

Carpentry. Handicrafts. Leatherworking. Metalworking.

Tailoring. WeaponryOverall, it is much better to upgrade your Dawnsdrop gear first rather than making functional furniture. There are exceptions to this, such as for alchemy and cooking as you get a regal alchemy table from the blue salt questline and you can cook in your house.

But using functional furniture becomes more useful at later stages of your crafting career.So that’s about all I know about the proficiency system in Archeage Unchained. If you found this useful then please share it with your friends and allies in Archeage.

I also have a you might find useful. Anyway, good luck with your vocations and have fun.

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There are many ways to make money in ArcheAge but delivering trading packs is one of the most interesting. A Trading Pack is a package of goods created by a player with the 'Commerce'. Once the pack is made, your character carries it on his back and can deliver it to the other location in order to sell it and make money. As you can see, the general mechanics are simple but many players see it as a difficult way to earn gold or Gilda stars.

I don’t think so. If you know what to produce and where to deliver it, 'Commerce' can bring you a lot of money. This guide will help you to understand the mechanics of Commerce in ArcheAge.

How to create a PackThe first thing you need to know is how to create a package in order to sell it for profit. First of all, you need a special Merchant Certificate. This certificate can be bought for 50 silver coins from the Crafting Merchant. You can’t craft a package without it.After you get the certificate you need to gather resources for crafting.

Different packs require different resources and a list of required resources can be found in the 'Commerce' crafting menu.After you collect enough resources and have purchased the certificate you need to find a special workbench. The easiest way to find a workbench is to use map. Open your map and tick Infrastructure - Speciality Workbench from the filters on the right.

This will display what you need.All crafting actions in ArcheAge require, and 'Commerce' profession is no exception. Each pack created will cost you 60 labor, thus if you don’t have enough labor you won't be able to craft. RestrictionsWhen a pack is finished it restricts your character, decreasing their movement speed. This makes you an easy target for all ranged enemies. Due to your restricted speed they will attack you with their abilities from distance giving you a disadvantage. If you want to kill an enemy It’s better to place packs on the ground.You can drop your pack:. You can drop a package on the ground but any other player can pick it up.

You can also pick up the packs of other players. If you wish to keep your packs safe you can drop it on special territories protected by a scarecrow, farm or house. This territory can be used by your character and other characters who have access and can’t be stolen by other players, but if you don’t pick it up in 6 days it will disappear.

You can also place it into a special box on a ship.A merchant ship has 20 boxes, Galleon and Tractor – 4 boxes. Only members of your party are allowed to take packages from a box.You can’t drop a package:. On the territory owned by other player, if you don’t have permission to use it. Inside buildings. On the deck of a ship.

In the sea. If you get killed in the sea or a ship with your pack in a box was destroyed, all packs will be dropped and any character can pick them up. It’s the main basis of piracy in ArcheAge allowing players to rob each other.Merchants and MountsAfter the package is created your character carries it on his back. Now the task is to deliver it to the other province to sell it.

But there is one difficulty: like explained earlier, your movement speed with goods is very slow. It's not a good idea to move on foot, and that’s where a mount will help you a lot.Many players prefer to use horses to deliver cargo as they think that a horse is the best mount for this. But it's a big mistake guys! There is a special mount for merchants – donkey.

A donkey is one of the best mounst for delivering trade packages because of it's movement speed. Just compare: if you carry a trade pack your horse will move 1.8 m/s while a donkey moves at 4 m/s. A donkey’s basic speed is over two times as much which makes a huge difference.Moreover, donkey's have a special skill that increases their movement speed by 30%. Which makes them even more superior to horses.The reward you receive for delivering your pack depends on the remoteness of the buyer from the place where you made the pack. You gain the most profit when delivering to another island and a ship will help you a lot. In fact there is a special ship for merchants called a Merchant Ship. The difference with this ship is that there are 20 Trade Pack storages there.

You can place your pack in storage and thus defend your ship from pirates much better. Piracyare a real threat for all traders and if you are alone you have very little chance to complete your deal. Therefore, it’s better to gather in a group to better protect your cargo. If you have a Merchant Ship you should ask your guild mates to help you with delivering to protect against piracy. Big guilds usually gather in a large group to protect their merchants.If you are defeated by pirates the chances to get your goods back are low.

When they destroy the ship all cargo from the boxes will be dropped and pirates will be able to pick it up. As you can see, the risk of losing goods is very high and I don’t recommend you deliver goods to another continent if you don’t have enough people to protect your ship. RewardsSome players say that delivering goods is one of the most profitable activities in ArcheAge. If you know what to produce, how to deliver goods and where to sell them, the 'Commerce' profession can bring you a lot of money. But you should know some basic rules to understand the mechanics of making money.

Trading Packs can only be sold in other locations. You can’t sell it in the location where you produce it.

Thus you will always have to go to other territories. The reward you get depends on the remoteness of the buyer from the place where the pack was made. The further a buyer is located the more money you make. Feed me oil soundtrack. Very often you will get the highest reward for selling a pack on other continent or Freelich. It’s a risky journey but the reward is worth it. The reward decreases if other players deliver too many packs similar to yours, in the location where you want to sell it. For example if there is a great supply of lumber packs in Sanddeep you will get lower reward.

If you are looking to maximize profits it’s better to choose a place with a stable economic situation. Or, you need to be fast, and lucky, to deliver your goods faster than other players.Trade Packs can be delivered to special NPCs - Gilda Star Trader and Gold Coins Trader and can be exchanged for Gilda Stars and Gold. You can find these NPCs using your map; just filter Merchants - Gilda Stars Trader / Gold Coins Trader. These traders are usually not far from each other.If you sell packs for gold you receive it 22 hours after the transaction with a 5% gain.

If you sell them for Gilda Stars you receive the reward immediately. Where to Sell?There are 6 locations on each continent where you can sell packs.West Continent:. Solzreed Peninsula. Gweonid Forest. Marianople.

Two Crowns. Cinderstone Moor.

SanddeepEast Continent:. Sollis Headlands. Mahadevi. Villanelle. Falcorth Plains. Arcus Iris.

YnystereYou can also deliver them to the Freelich Island.Your faction also affects the efficiency of Commerce. If you play as a Western continent member the most profitable place for selling packs is Freelich Island. If you are a member of Eastern Continent the highest profit can be received from delivering to the southern regions of Western Continent.

Trade RoutesNOTE: List of Trade Routes was updated.