Big Red Rocket Riot

воскресенье 03 маяadmin
Big Red Rocket Riot Rating: 6,3/10 7409 reviews

Going into Rocket Riot, I had no idea what to expect. I didn’t pay attention to previews, or even reviews of the game, but a video showcasing the trippy, pixilated visuals was enough to catch my attention–that, and the fact that I crave dual-analog shooters.I loved Geometry Wars, but not to the point of obsession, so I was a bit worried that Rocket Riot would simply be a retread. Fortunately, that wasn’t the case at all.Rocket Riot’s use of dual analog sticks for bouts of intense shooting is actually quite original. Like Geometry Wars, one stick moves and the other aims, but this time, your method for firing projectiles is different.Your right stick launches missiles, but it won’t do so automatically by pointing it in a certain direction like most dual stick shooters.Instead, you’ll pull back the stick, and let the duration it’s held before release and the angle you’re pointing affect the trajectory of your rocket. At first, this alteration of the dual stick formula is jarring, but after a few minutes of practice, it’s a welcome change.Not only is your method of firing different from your typical dual stick shooter; you’ll also have access to oodles of power-ups. After blowing apart terrain and enemies, you’ll find a variety of power-ups strewn about.These comes in a variety of forms: blue power-ups, which are defensive, yellow power-ups, which add special effects, red power-ups, which endanger your life (power-downs would be more accurate), and green power-ups, which equip you with new types of missiles.Each of these four colors of power-ups include four unique abilities, so in total, there are sixteen abilities (some of which are negative). This sounds complicated, but over the course of eighty levels, you’ll quickly grow accustomed to this large skill-set.Power-ups and good controls are essential ingredients of most shooters, but what exactly do you do in Rocket Riot?

“Hockey in Canada was bigger than the church, and Rocket Richard was bigger than the Pope,” reflected Red Storey later. “He is God,” Frank. “Bugging Law,” 8874. Capitol Miniriot, A4065. Red Rockets Hit Air Base, 6842. Articles and editorials. In London, A958. Big Spending Cut Backers, 27501.

Instead of simply flying in space, you jettison around a variety of 2D arenas, blowing holes in any object blocking your path.If you see a ship in front of you, you can destroy it. Don’t like that tree? Give it a rocket. Do you despise a certain level’s interior decorator? Smash the building to pieces.Basically, you often have the option of flying around objects, but to make a quick getaway, you’ll sometimes have to create a new path.

All objects in their pixilated glory magically regenerate piece by piece, however, so the havoc you wreak is never permanent.I’ve already mentioned Rocket Riot’s destructible environments in great detail, but alas, your purpose isn’t to level cities (you evil megalomaniac). Instead, you’re tasked with a set of missions. Rocket Riot’s campaign includes eighty distinct levels with a variety of objectives.In some levels, you simply have to take out a certain number of opponents. These opponents are often human characters, but they can take the form of other objects. They typically fly around in jet packs, and fire missiles your way.

Some enemies are rather clumsy, while others can hit you with pinpoint accuracy. Rocket Riot has hundreds of enemy types, so you won’t get bored until you’ve cleared dozens of levels.Destroying enemies isn’t the only type of mission objective in Rocket Riot.

Another type of mission is similar to Capture the Flag. Soldier of fortune 2 double helix gameplay. In this mode, you’ll have to find a football–then carry it to the goal post. Unfortunately, this is easier said than done.With dozens of enemies firing at you, it’s difficult to find a clear route to score a field goal. What makes this even harder is that you’re unable to shoot while carrying the football.

You can drop the football temporarily to blow a hole through a wall or attack a pursuing foe, but the football quickly returns to its original location, so it’s important to not only use caution, but to also make haste.Besides playing virtual football, you’ll travel through mazes, destroy cannons without weapons by getting them to ricochet their shots, and take on burly bosses. Most of these objectives are quite fun, and add a bit of variety to the gameplay. These inventive levels keep you from getting bored of the numerous “shoot-’em-up” levels.Unfortunately, it’s not all gravy. While most of Rocket Riot’s eighty levels are fun, the final fifteen missions make you feel as if you’re on Satan’s doorstep. These levels are just plain brutal with close to ninety enemies firing at you. Not only are later levels packed with enemies, but your opponents are faster, and they aim with deadly accuracy.Imagine completing objective levels in that type of environment.

Those missions are incredibly difficult, but nothing compares to the brutal final boss encounter.Throughout the game, you’re pursuing the elusive and cleverly named, “Blockbeard,” but by the time you reach him, you’ll realize that he definitely isn’t a blockhead. He employs an arsenal that’d make Rambo, Arnold, and the U.S. Military jealous.Blockbeard has every boss’ ability, and can potentially end your life in one hit if you get too close. He also has a large posse and plenty of health, so be prepared to break a few controllers if you want to truly complete the game.I sweated it out in the 100 degree heat and beat the bloke, but I felt like I lost one of my lives (if such a thing is possible).

At least I managed to see the ending without crippling my thumbs.Besides having a ridiculous set of final levels, Rocket Riot has one other minor problem. This probably won’t be an issue for most sensible people, but Rocket Riot does not let you know that there is a save system. Due to not seeing a load game file and the game not telling me to save, I played Rocket Riot in a marathon session.I spent five to six hours plowing through the game, but I would have taken a break or two if I’d known that Rocket Riot would save my progress. I guess I’m the person at fault here, but I thought that Rocket Riot should at least notify players when the game is saving.Despite having cheap final levels and other minor flaws, Rocket Riot is worth it for the single-player alone. Unfortunately, you don’t really have an option when it comes to multiplayer.

Even though there are a couple cooperative and versus modes, you won’t be able to access them thanks to the great Rocket Riot drought.Yes, it looks like Rocket Riot’s community has moved on to greener pastures, so you’ll have to satisfy yourself with the game’s campaign and endurance mode. Thankfully, there is plenty of value in these two modes–easily enough to make Rocket Riot an impulse buy.If you want a fun dual analog shooter with unique visuals and thumping techno beats, Rocket Riot is an excellent choice. Due to Rocket Riot’s mission structure, you’ll probably spend more time with it than your ex (Geometry wars, not your significant other, silly). Get out there and have a riot!Score: 8.0Pros:. Stylish visuals. Unique gameplay that for once doesn’t ape Geometry Wars.

Awesome techno/electronica soundtrack. Plenty of unlockable characters. A variety of mission types. A dual analog shooter that has actual goals outside of achievementsCons:.

The final fifteen missions are incredibly frustrating. Blockbeard will induce a controller chucking rage in even the calmest of individuals. Could have used more songs. No indication was given that you can save mid-campaign. The online community is drier than the Sahara.