Petz Catz 2 Ivlet

понедельник 27 апреляadmin
Petz Catz 2 Ivlet Rating: 8,5/10 3975 reviews

Petz Catz page 2: Ivlet. 13 16 921 (1 Today). Or Petz Dogz 2. Yeah it's pretty great. SparkleWolf404 Hobbyist General Artist. I hear only the wii versions are story based. FaolanEternal Hobbyist General Artist. Yeah the wii one is quite good.


Scene 1:

(it has been a year after Victor's daughter has been stolen; Owen had grown into a toddler, and never remembered his sister, but, his parents did tell him about her; search parties searched and searched, but no cat they could find matched her description; Lucas was exploring another island several miles away from Monolith Isle, patrolling more area with the Magic Hat)

(Lucas is searching through a small forest of palm trees and shrubs)

(Lucas searching all around for detection of presence of evil with his hat)

(all of a sudden, Lucas senses something hiding in the bushes; he sniffs and tries to detect with the hat, but, he could not identify the presence too well)

(all of a sudden, an adult black cat comes leaping out of the ferns and attacks Lucas, holding him to the ground on his back)

Mary: (sinisterly laughs) Hah, hah, hah! I finally got you now!

Lucas: Let go of me! Who are you?!

Mary: My name is Mary, and you are coming with me, mister!

Lucas: Hey, if you don't let go of me, I will use my hat on you, and you will be sorry!

Mary: Hah! You know what?! I think you actually WANT to see this person!

Lucas: What do you mean?!

Mary: If you come with me, I will show you. (sinisterly giggles)

Lucas: I will give you that warning again. You had better not hurt me in any sort of way.

Mary: Come quietly, and maybe I won't.

Lucas: I have my eye on you, miss. Now, take me to this person you speak of right now.

(Mary forcefully guides Lucas to an opening spot on the beach)

Mary: This way.

Lucas: (walks towards the circle, and gasps, and almost screams, and is as still as stone in absolute shock and fright) ..I..Ivlet?! I thought he was gone for good! THAT CAN'T BE HIM!

Ivlet: I assure you, Lucas, that this is me! (sinisterly laughs loudly)

Lucas: (to Ivlet, with anger) How did you escape that vortex?! Where did you come from?!

Ivlet: That is classified, Lucas. But it sure is nice to see you again.

Mary: (to Ivlet) What should we do with him, Boss?

Lucas: What?! You're a cat, and you're working for Ivlet?! I should destroy both of you with the Magic Hat regardless!

Mary: Which 'both' are you referring to, Lucas?

Lucas: What do you mean?!

(Daeva appears from behind Ivlet, much to Lucas's shock)

Lucas: (shocked) Who..who are you?!

Daeva: I think you should be able to guess who I am, Lucas.

Lucas: You can't be Beat.

Daeva: No, I am not.

Lucas: You must be the bad half of the Magic Hat!

Daeva: That I am.

Lucas: Now I get it! That is how you escaped Ivlet! You got support from the bad half!

Ivlet: could say that.

Lucas: (to Mary) But then..where did you come from?!

Mary: Huh. Even I cannot guess that. I do have suspicion that..

Ivlet: (demanding) That is enough, Mary! (to Lucas) You are the cause of my misery!

Lucas: You idiot! You destroyed yourself!

Ivlet: NO WAY! I am taking revenge on you somehow!

Lucas: Face it, Ivlet. I have the Magic Hat. It will overpower you easily. There is no way to defeat me with this magic!

Ivlet: I suppose so, but, this is not the only way.

Lucas: You place one paw on this hat, and it will zap you away! Don't believe me, try it yourself!

Ivlet: (not knowing what to say) Fine. I believe you. But I bet even you don't know what is up my sleeve this time!

Lucas: I'll take my chances.

Ivlet: You had better run off, or you will pay!

Lucas: (mockingly but angrily) How?!

Ivlet: (to Mary) Mary! Attack him!

(Mary hisses, and obeys the command, and pounces on top of Lucas, knocking his hat off; Lucas fights frantically)

Mary: (hissing) I thought you had magic!

(Lucas zaps her and she flies off of him 30 feet away)

Mary: (in pain) Ah!

Lucas: You stay away from me!

(Ivlet rushes over to snatch the Magic Hat, and he places it on)

Lucas: No!

Ivlet: (sinisterly laughs)

(Ivlet's hat still has the rainbow on it, and Lucas zaps Ivlet off his paws, but Ivlet holds on to the hat)

Ivlet: (in slight pain) Argh!

Lucas: Admit it, Ivlet! You have no power over the hat!

Ivlet: I agree. But this does.

(unknowing to Lucas, Mary was on top of a tree, with giant coconuts in a line, and she let them go, 10 of them, and they landed straight on Lucas's head, knocking him completely out immediately)

Scene 2:

(Lucas wakes up, to find it is midnight on this island; the three people have vanished and were long gone, with no trace of fresh scent of them; Lucas realizes that Ivlet has once again stole the Magic Hat; Lucas looks around and sees giant heavy coconuts around him, and he realizes that he has been knocked out by them, and he figures out quickly that it was Mary, because the bad half was right next to Ivlet during the incident)

Lucas: (mentally) How could this happen? There is no way to tell for sure if I can track them down and the Magic Hat. How could a cat be so evil anyway?! She must have completely lost her mind! Either way, I have got to find help fast, and stop them, but how?! Without the Magic Hat, I cannot fly and zap somewhere, so, I will have to find another way out of the island.

(Lucas gets up, and paces among the beach, but knows that no one lives on this island, so he will just have to take a swim, who knows how far)

Lucas: Which direction should I go though?

(Lucas looks around, and spots a ditch in the beach, where the ocean water is; he suddenly came up with a plan; he would find a sardine in there, and fish it out, and call a dolphin to help; he paces over to the ditch)

Lucas: Let's see here.

(Lucas looks around the ditch, and spots a few small sardines in there; he waits a minute until one comes close to the surface, and uses his paw to snatch it out of the water, and then kills it instantly; proud, he pads over to the edge of the coast, and yowls very loudly in attempt to call out a dolphin; he keeps yowling, and after a half hour, a dolphin finally emerges)

(the dolphin tweets to Lucas)

Lucas: Can you take me to the island a few miles from here? Here is a sardine for your troubles.

(Lucas hands over the sardine, and the dolphin gulps it up quickly; Lucas carefully leaps onto the dolphin, and it swims off fast)

(after 20 minutes, Lucas spots a ship approaching)

Lucas: (guiding the dolphin) Over there.

(the dolphin swims over to the ship)

Lucas: Ahoy! Anyone there?!

Douglas: Ahoy there!

(Lucas looks up to see an Abyssinian cat pirate)

Lucas: Natasha?! Is that you?!

Douglas: Natasha? No. My name is Douglas. Do you need a lift?

Lucas: Desperately!

(Lucas jumps off the dolphin and signals for the dolphin he is no longer needed, and it goes underwater and disappears)

Douglas: Here! Catch this!

(Douglas throws out a rope, and Lucas grabs a hold of it; Douglas pulls Lucas up)

Lucas: Thank you, Douglas. Who are you?

Douglas: I am Natasha's brother. I was travelling along on a fishing trip, and now I saw a snowshoe cat riding a dolphin.

Lucas: My name is Lucas. I know Natasha.

Douglas: Yes, I have heard of you. Natasha told me all about you. But where is your Magic Hat?

Lucas: Ivlet stole it again!

Douglas: What?! How?!

Lucas: Well, first thing, you can assume something like that happened, as I would not be travelling in the open ocean if I had the hat, and I would be wearing it.

Douglas: Well, what happened?

Lucas: I was on a cay near here, patrolling the place with my Magic Hat, but, then, before I knew it, a cat, Mary, forces me to Ivlet, and I was shocked to find that Ivlet has somehow returned after all these years. He was partnered up with the personification of the bad half of the Magic Hat, and I was even more shocked to find that Mary, a cat, was actually working for Ivlet! Mary attacked me, knocked off my hat, Ivlet took it, and then Mary somehow managed to knock me out, and then I woke up, and they were all gone, and so was the Magic Hat.

Katamari damacy gameplay. Amplitude was a major critical (yet still not commercial) success which opened the door for Harmonix to develop Guitar Hero in 2005. Since Amplitude's 2003 release, demand for a sequel remained astronomical and eventually led to the PS4 release of a reboot in January of 2016 - that's 13 years later!4.

(Douglas begins to stir the ship back)

Douglas: I'll take you back to Dolphin Coast. You need to find help as quickly as possible. Who knows what he will do with the Magic Hat now!

Lucas: Oh, no, no. Ivlet does not have power of the Magic Hat.

Douglas: Oh. Well then, what is the worst thing here?

Lucas: Since I do not have the Magic Hat anymore, my powers are going to be limited now. The longer I stay away from the Magic Hat, the easier it will be for me to lose my powers. The Magic Hat no longer has its bad half in there, so it cannot be used by Ivlet for evil, but Ivlet can still wreak havoc and cause trouble with or without using it, and without the power of the Magic Hat, there is no way to stop him. And I have not the slightest clue where the three and the hat could be.

Douglas: You should talk to the wizards again, Lucas. They will know what to do. But they probably will be mad at you, at the same time, for not being responsible enough.

Lucas: Well, I could not just fly away and leave Ivlet there! He would cause trouble the moment I left him!

Douglas: Well, I agree with you that I would be confused as well knowing that a CAT is actually working for Ivlet!

Lucas: I know, right?! What if he joins forces with other cats too, turning them evil as well?!

Douglas: Well, let's just head back, and, we will see if the problem can be solved. For right now, if you are hungry, I have some fish over there on the other side.

Lucas: (sighs) Thanks, Douglas. I haven't eaten for like 24 hours.

(Lucas pads over to the other side of the ship, and gulps a few fish hungrily)

Scene 3:

(Douglas parks his ship at Dolphin Coast, and Lucas jumps into the water, and swims to shore; Augusta pads up to him)

Augusta: Lucas? What happened? (suddenly realizes his hat is missing) And where is the Magic Hat?! Why aren't you wearing it?!

Lucas: It's a long story. Ivlet stole it again. And I have no idea where he is.



(before Augusta could reply, who still was shocked, Lucas bolted across the beach, to South Pawville; the villagers all gave him a shocked and questioning look, but, he ignored them, and ran up to the Warp Stone, and used it to send him to Tail Heights; Toby and Daisy also looked at him in wonder, but, Lucas kept going, running as fast as he can through Tail Heights, until he reached the Windmill)

Lucas: Neil! I have to go to Sky Heights! It is an emergency!

Neil: Okay, okay, here. Why? And where is your hat?

Lucas: Never mind that. I don't have time to explain. Just open the gate now!

(Neil opened the gate with the windmill, and Lucas bolted through; Lucas entered Sky Heights, and used the same path of bridges he used before to avoid falling in the poisonous bog; he rushed up to the door of the wizard's' mansion, and frantically knocked)

Lucas: Theophilus! Bartholomew! I have to speak to you now!

(Theophilus opens the door slowly, as he is very old; Bartholomew also walks up to the door)

Theophilus: What is the problem, Lucas?

Bartholomew: Where is your Magic Hat, Lucas?!

Lucas: I'll tell you everything inside.

(Lucas rushes inside, and Theophilus and Bartholomew listen to every word of Lucas's story, in complete shock, anger, and fear)

Lucas: What are we going to do about this?!

Theophilus: I know exactly what will help. My magic crystal ball will connect with the Magic Hat.

Lucas: You mean with Beat?!

Petz Catz 2 Ivlet

Theophilus: Yes. He can show us through your Magic Hat magic where Ivlet is, so long as he does indeed have the Magic Hat with him.

Lucas: Then what are we waiting for?! Let's do it!

(the three cats walk up to and stand around the ball on Theophilus's desk)

Theophilus: Beat? Can you hear us?

Bartholomew: We must know where to find the hat!

(the ball after a few minutes of asking lights up and shows an image, and they see that Ivlet and the two others are on Monolith Isle, and Noel is defending himself with the powers that Lucas had given him, and is trying to steal back the hat, but, he does not have the power to grab it without his paws, and Mary is seeing to it that he gets no where near that hat)

Lucas: We have to go to Monolith Isle right now!

Theophilus: Lucas, this is your next battle. You have powers from the Magic Hat. You will do this without us.

Bartholomew: I suggest you go to Victor and ask him for assistance. After all, you shared some of your magic with him, and Bella.

Lucas: You're right. I know he still is mad at me after all this time, but, he must help me.

Bartholomew: That's the spirit.

Theophilus: Now go, Lucas. Go and get rid of Ivlet once and for all!

Lucas: On it!

(Lucas rushes out the door, and heads back to Tail Heights, and then warps to South Pawville, and then rushes over to North Pawville to Victor's house, and reluctantly knocks on the door)

Lucas: Victor?

(Victor opens the door, and sees Lucas but is not happy to see him)

Victor: (no happy) Lucas? What are you doing here?

Lucas: I desperately need your help, Victor.

(Bella walks over)

Bella: What is going on here? (sees Lucas) Lucas?

Lucas: Victor, Bella, you have to help me! I don't have time to explain the story again. Ivlet has returned, and he is on Monolith Isle wreaking havoc! He stole the Magic Hat again, and I have to get it back again!

Victor: How and when did..

Lucas: I told you, I don't have time to explain. You have to come with me to Monolith Isle and fight against him.

Victor: You go do it yourself, Lucas. You have done it once. You have done it before. You can do it again.

Lucas: But, Victor, I need the additional power I gave you!

Victor: Go away! Don't make me forget how mad I still am at you for being the cause of my daughter's disappearance!

Lucas: But..Victor..this is completely different than..

(Victor interrupts by slamming the door)

Lucas: (sighs)

(Lucas knew there was no more time, so he knows he has to go on his own; he rushes off to South Pawville, and warps himself from the stone to Monolith Isle)

: All agesSeriesandTwitchTwitterFacebookThis guide is for the Wii and PlayStation 2 versions. For other versions, see, or the.Petz: Dogz 2 ( わんこと魔法のぼうし, Wanko to Mahou no Boushi ) and Petz: Catz 2 ( にゃんこと魔法のぼうし, Nyanko to Mahou no Boushi ) are adventure games for the and, although there are for the. In this game you are a dog or cat (depending on which game you have), and you can choose your character from 40 breeds and then accessorize with different clothing.

Both games are exactly the same, but with the obvious difference that you are a dog in Dogz and a cat in Catz. The UK versions are just called Dogz and Catz. Continue to:→→In the game, you live on an island entirely populated by dogs or cats, one of the reasons why this game is similar to. The main storyline is that you and your friend are tricked into giving a Magic Hat, which is used to keep peace on the island, to an evil wolf named Ivlet. He uses it to destroy the island, also turning all animals evil and destroying many of the buildings.Your goal is to repair all the damage he has done, by helping out all the troubled dogs or cats, and finally defeating Ivlet and getting the Magic Hat back.There are also minigames you can play, first with wild animals that have escaped from the Zoo, and then by selecting them from the Minigames menu. From the menu the minigames can also be played in two-player mode.