Miaou Moonglow

воскресенье 03 маяadmin
Miaou Moonglow Rating: 9,1/10 1855 reviews


fiberglass truck canopy parts.FIBERGLASS TRUCK CANOPY PARTS

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Moonglow is a type of Herb which appears as a bent stalk with a drooping blue-white flower. It grows on Jungle grass (surface Jungle and Underground Jungle) and can be cut with virtually any weapon or tool. It can be planted in Clay Pots, Planter Boxes, and on top of Jungle grass using Moonglow Seeds.


So while I wait around for some stuff, I guess I should make an art thread. Everyone else does! I'll present my artwork here as examples for things and stuff, maybe do some requests, and buy stuff with my art if i feel like it.Things I'm currently accepting commissions for:- I'm looking for WINNIE and CHEIF.Things I can pay you with:- A mayor ref sheet,- A full-colored picture,- Or bells, of course, if you just wanna do this the old fashioned way!I can draw animals in feral or anthropomorphic style, and humans (chibi or otherwise). I won't draw backgrounds, but may add some simplistic flare. Let me know if you have anything I'm looking for and I'll PM you.


Thanks!About Requests:- I'm more likely to draw villagers/NPCs interacting with villagers/NPCs, so OC's or Mayors aren't likely to be drawn.- Feel free to post a suggestion in the comments, I might like it and doodle something up.- I'll do 'em if I feel like it. I'm under absolutely no obligation to draw anything, however, unless you are paying me somehow.You can browse the thread to see some of the requests I've already done. If the thread title reads 'offline', I will not be drawing.okay so here's my stuff!Animal Crossing Related!